Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

SmadAV 2011 Rev 8.6 Pro Full

Apparently smadav already released the newest version, ie Smadav 2011 Rev 8.6. Approximately aja yah what changes in this version?

According to information I quoted from smadav.net, in this version there is little addition of some virus database, complete the following: "The addition of a new virus database 100, Completion SmadAV - Updater feature, especially for virus detection Ramnit, Sality, & OneLetter that spreads via USB Flash Disk, etc.. "

In version 8.6 this SmadAV I think there is a little strange, usually if the previous version if our automatic update, the update is completed smadav we become black ( out pirated ) but not this time? SmadAV I still bright green.: D
To make smadav pro, which means more or less the same as the previous version.

 Download SmadAV 2011 Rev. 8.6

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